This month, E! News broke out the hashtag "#BePopCultured" to deliver news in humorous way. I was unaware of this until last week when a Kimoji #BePopCultured commercial aired, which is hilarious for those of you who haven't seen it. Hashtags are being used by tons of companies to target new customers, get noticed, start conversations and promote their business and/or product. Now I'm not saying that E! News is struggling, in fact they have 10.2M Twitter followers alone, but it doesn't hurt to deliver their messages in a new way.

If you haven't seen this new hashtag in action, you can follow E! News on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or simply watch their TV network because they upload a new use of the hashtag everyday. Now that I've seen one post, I can't stop looking for more.
E! News has received a lot of positive feedback from their fanbase through likes, shares and even posts with their own use of the hashtag, so clearly they've done something right. A lot of companies attempt to use hashtags to try something new and appeal to a new audience, but I think E! News did it best. The fanbase loves being able to search the hashtag for all of the #BePopCultured posts and contribute to the conversation. What's the best part about it? They aren't being forced to use the hashtag! Nine times out of ten I refuse to Tweet or Instagram a company's hashtag when they ask me to, but with the simplistic and clever use of #BePopCultured, I can't help but want to use it myself!

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